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Monday, October 7

7:00am CDT

Monday October 7, 2024 7:00am - 8:15am CDT
Monday October 7, 2024 7:00am - 8:15am CDT
Ballroom Hallway

8:15am CDT

Positioned for Success: Leadership for Linguistically Gifted Students
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
In this session, participants will learn how to create a multilingual leadership program that gives students access to immersive educational experiences ahead of key grade level units in order to position them as leaders. Imagine the possibilities when advanced learning specialists and multilingual teachers work together to inspire student leaders!
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
Tundra EF

8:15am CDT

Unlocking Algebraic Insight: The Cognitive Advantage of Mental Calculations in Mathematics Education--Exhibitor
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
When we allow students to use calculators on a regular basis we see their dependence on technology increase and their logical number sense decrease.  Come explore with me the ways in which we can help students feel not only comfortable with mental math but excited to learn, know and use it. The techniques we will explore demonstrate connections to binomials, squares, and uses of the pythagorean theorem.
avatar for Erica Munson

Erica Munson

Math Teacher; Department Head, Eagle School
I have always enjoyed math and enjoyed exploring the world with others - be that through mathematics, climbing, paddling, food or traveling. My two children attended the school where I teach. They are both in high school now.My professional teaching career started 21 years ago but... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
Tundra B

8:15am CDT

GT 101 for Preservice Teachers Part 1 of 2
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
This session includes: WI GT laws, 5 areas of giftedness, strengths and challenges of gifted children, intensities, Du Four's BIG question, advocacy, programming options, and working with parents of gifted students.

Please note this is PART ONE of TWO.
avatar for Cathy Schmit

Cathy Schmit

Past president, WATG
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
Sandstone Ballroom

8:15am CDT

How Much of the Teacher is in Teacher Rating Scales?
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
Teacher rating scales or behavior checklists are a common data point in making gifted identification decisions. But some of what these scales measure stems from the person doing the rating as opposed to the student being rated. This session will share new research from >50,000 students who were all rated with one of five different rating scales. We will share what we found and recommendations for how to decrease rater effect and increase the validity of the data derived from these instruments.
avatar for Scott Peters

Scott Peters

Director, Research Consulting Partnerships, NWEA
Scott J. Peters, Ph.D. is the Director of Research Consulting Partnerships at NWEA, a division of Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt (HMH). Prior to joining HMH he served as a Professor of Assessment and Research Methodology at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater for 13 years. He received... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
Sandstone 3

8:15am CDT

Seeking Equity in Gifted Identification: A New, Promising Approach--Exhibitor
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
Increasing diversity and equity is a longstanding goal of gifted education. The fact remains that Brown and Black students and those living in poverty are glaringly missing, partly because most ability tests demand fluency in English and advanced academic knowledge. Learn an innovative method for identifying gifted students more equitably using tests that include verbal, quantitative and nonverbal measures with test items that can be solved in any language and require minimal academic knowledge.
avatar for Kim Lansdowne

Kim Lansdowne

Executive Director, Herberger Young Scholars Academy
Kimberly is the founding Executive Director of the Herberger Young Scholars Academy, a distinguished secondary school catering to highly gifted students at Arizona State University.In 2023, Kimberly was honored with the Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented Lifetime Achievement... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
Tundra CD

8:15am CDT

Inspiring Parents: Imagining and Innovating Together
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
One of my many hats in my job as an “Advanced Learning Specialist” (i.e. gifted and talented resource teacher) is to educate and support TAG parents. A lot of that role is to help parents and students navigate the peculiarities of our specific school district, but part of that role is more universal. This session will be aimed at some generalities of parenting gifted students while also having time to talk about your specific student. -Darby Puglielli

Participants will be guided by two SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted) facilitators. My co-presenter, Jackie Drummer, is a nationally certified SENG trainer and facilitator with decades experience working with parents/caregivers, students, and educators nationally and internationally.
avatar for Darby Puglielli

Darby Puglielli

Advanced Learning Specialist, Madison Metropolitan School District
Darby is an Advanced Learning Specialist (gifted resource teacher) at two elementary schools in the Madison Metropolitan School District. In addition to her written job description, Darby advocates for her students and their families, promotes productive struggle, and facilitates... Read More →
avatar for Jackie Drummer

Jackie Drummer

Founder & CEO, Education Works!
Jackie Drummer is a Past President and current advisor to the Board of Directors of WATG. She is a nationally certified SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted) trainer and facilitator, and a certified Literacy, Team/Organizational, Systems, and Transformational coach. As the... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
Tundra A

9:25am CDT

Free, Online, Self-Paced Professional Learning on Best Practices in Gifted and Talented Student Identification
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
So many Federal Javits grants do excellent work, but then disappear when the funding ends. As part of a 2020 Javits grant, a team of researchers worked to train staff from ten districts around the country on best practices in student identification. Lessons learned were used to develop an online system of training modules, through which educators from 20 additional districts worked in 2023 – 2024. Now, those modules are free and available for anyone to use! This session will provide an overview of what they cover, why the content can help improve identification practices, and how they can be accessed and used by anyone.
avatar for Scott Peters

Scott Peters

Director, Research Consulting Partnerships, NWEA
Scott J. Peters, Ph.D. is the Director of Research Consulting Partnerships at NWEA, a division of Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt (HMH). Prior to joining HMH he served as a Professor of Assessment and Research Methodology at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater for 13 years. He received... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Sandstone 3

9:25am CDT

Imagine, Innovate & Inspire with Future Problem Solving--Exhibitor
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Wisconsin Future Problem Solving (FPS) is a dynamic educational program for grades 1-12. It engages students in a six-step problem solving process that develops skills essential for today’s world. With repeated application of problem solving techniques across a wide variety of important global issues, problem solving becomes a habit of mind that empowers students throughout their lives. FPS alumni often report that becoming a problem solver was the most important element of their education, and that they use the skills on a regular basis in their lives and careers. While engaging in problem solving work, students experience critical and creative thinking, decision making, effective communication, time management, and teamwork – skills that are good for all students, but particularly suited for gifted students’ great intellectual
curiosity, depth of perception, and high level of intensity. We offer both competitive and non-competitive components, with options for implementation in most classroom situations. In our session you will experience first-hand some of the skills of problem solving and learn how you can empower students to become effective problem solvers. Come discover how we engage minds and empower success in today’s youth!
avatar for Martha Barlow

Martha Barlow

Co-Affiliate Director, Wisconsin Future Problem Solving
I taught in the gifted magnet program in Janesville and worked as a TAG Coordinator in Janesville, Whitnall, and Waunakee before I retired. I have been involved with Future Problem Solving for more than 30 years, as a coach, evaluator, Wisconsin Affiliate Director, member and president... Read More →
avatar for Lynn Buckmaster

Lynn Buckmaster

Affiliate Director, Wisconsin Future Problem Solving
I began my teaching career in Madison as a TAG resource teacher.  I eventually moved back into the classroom, teaching grades 4/5, 5 and 7 before I retired.  I've been involved in the Future Problem Solving (FPS) Program since its inception in 1981 as coach, state and international... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Tundra B

9:25am CDT

Help! I'm a New Gifted Coordinator Part 1 of 2
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Feeling overwhelmed by your new role as a G/T coordinator? Not sure where to start? This extended conference session will help guide you in developing some initial steps, including what questions you should ask and what to look for and think about as you either strengthen or build a gifted program in your school or district. Bring your questions, engage, and find a network to support you!

Please note that this is PART ONE of TWO.

avatar for Jackie Drummer

Jackie Drummer

Founder & CEO, Education Works!
Jackie Drummer is a Past President and current advisor to the Board of Directors of WATG. She is a nationally certified SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted) trainer and facilitator, and a certified Literacy, Team/Organizational, Systems, and Transformational coach. As the... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Pamela Clinkenbeard

Dr. Pamela Clinkenbeard

Professor Emeritus, UW-Whitewater
Pamela Clinkenbeard is Professor Emeritus of Educational Foundations at UW-Whitewater and a board member and former president of WATG. She also currently chairs WATG's Government Action Committee. She co-developed Wisconsin's first gifted education licensure program and served as... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Tundra CD

9:25am CDT

Identifying and Nurturing the Twice Exceptional Child
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Twice exceptional students - 2E kids - are intellectually gifted children who have one or more learning disabilities. Twice exceptional students need to be identified for both their gifts and for their disabilities, which can be challenging. Developing a unique blend of academics and supports for each child is critical, because s/he thinks and processes information differently than the general student population. This presentation will provide an overview of the topic of twice exceptional and will supply strategies that teachers can use to help their twice exceptional children to thrive.
avatar for Janet Key

Janet Key

Elementary School Teacher, Milwaukee Public Schools
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Tundra EF

9:25am CDT

Perfectionism is Not a Dirty Word
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
The Gifted population has long been synonymous with the term perfectionism, but what does that word really mean? Perfectionism has long been described as problematic, but what if it's not? This presentation will dive into the myths and misunderstandings surrounding perfectionism as well as how to identify it in individuals who may not present in the "typical" way. Let's get down to the root of the meaning behind the word so we don't have to fear it.
avatar for Jenny Nilsen

Jenny Nilsen

Clinical Director and Counselor, The Center for Identity Potential
Through her warmth and kindness as well as her extraordinary powers of observation, Jenny seeks to create healthy and productive working relationships with her clients. She is highly skilled at the evaluation process, which allows her to diligently assess the needs and desires of... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Tundra A

10:35am CDT

The Performing Arts Perspective by Angie Mack Creative
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
I am neurodiverse (ADHD), gifted and talented (Performing Arts, Leadership). I am a lifetime youth performing arts educator who is considered Twice Exceptional. I have firsthand knowledge of how an environment can make or break the progress in the life of a creative. I have 20+ years of implementing unique practices that have been documented as successfully cultivating individuals, families, and communities. On a daily basis, I imagine. I innovate. I inspire others to do the same. My life's work has consisted of advocating for people (both dead and alive) who are creative. As a performing artist, I am sure that you will find my presentation full of rich insights, examples, audience participation, passion and humor.
avatar for Angie Mack

Angie Mack

Founder, Ozaukee Talent, LLC
I am a lifetime performing artist, performing arts educator and businessowner who is passionate about creative communication through the arts.  I have also been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult.  Being gifted and talented, along with the ADHD, qualifies me as someone who is considered... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
Tundra B

10:35am CDT

Help! I'm a New Gifted Coordinator Part 2 of 2
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
This is PART TWO of this session.

Feeling overwhelmed by your new role as a G/T coordinator? Not sure where to start? This extended conference session will help guide you in developing some initial steps, including what questions you should ask and what to look for and think about as you either strengthen or build a gifted program in your school or district. Bring your questions, engage, and find a network to support you!

avatar for Jackie Drummer

Jackie Drummer

Founder & CEO, Education Works!
Jackie Drummer is a Past President and current advisor to the Board of Directors of WATG. She is a nationally certified SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted) trainer and facilitator, and a certified Literacy, Team/Organizational, Systems, and Transformational coach. As the... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Pamela Clinkenbeard

Dr. Pamela Clinkenbeard

Professor Emeritus, UW-Whitewater
Pamela Clinkenbeard is Professor Emeritus of Educational Foundations at UW-Whitewater and a board member and former president of WATG. She also currently chairs WATG's Government Action Committee. She co-developed Wisconsin's first gifted education licensure program and served as... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
Tundra CD

10:35am CDT

Success in Cluster Grouping: How to Make it Work!--Exhibitor
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
Many schools say they cluster group for gifted services, but few say they do it successfully. Dr. Lansdowne will address the inherent challenges and suggest ways schools can overcome common obstacles when cluster grouping. Participants will learn how to create a fair and equitable system for serving gifted students by incorporating cluster grouping into school and district initiatives. She will discuss methods for making student placements, supporting cluster teachers, monitoring success, and building community support.
avatar for Kim Lansdowne

Kim Lansdowne

Executive Director, Herberger Young Scholars Academy
Kimberly is the founding Executive Director of the Herberger Young Scholars Academy, a distinguished secondary school catering to highly gifted students at Arizona State University.In 2023, Kimberly was honored with the Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented Lifetime Achievement... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
Sandstone 3

10:35am CDT

Imagining Empowering College Searches: Mindset and Strategies for Gifted Students
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
College-bound gifted students have incredible potential to flourish in collegiate environments. In contrast to many K-12 school environments, college often provides students with more freedom of choice, more variety of learning opportunities, and supportive communities that appreciate unique talents. But choosing a college that is uniquely suited to a gifted learner, and getting in, is an important process that can be daunting for even the best prepared students and families.

In this session, participants will learn:
The current trends in US college admissions and how admission practices may help (or hurt) unique learners.
The top 5 tips for highlighting the gifted student’s unique talents and experiences through the college application process.
How colleges consider advanced-level coursework (e.g. honors, AP, dual-enrollment, etc).
How (and when) a successful college search begins.
avatar for Julie Murphy

Julie Murphy

Owner, Independent Educational Consultant, Waverly Educational Consulting
Julie Murphy is the founder and principal college consultant at Waverly Educational Consulting, located in Bayside, WI, where she and her team provide highly personalized support and guidance for high schoolers and their families as they navigate the college search and admissions... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
Tundra EF

10:35am CDT

Let's Stop Pretending Giftedness Starts in Grade 3
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
How to support gifted students in PreK-Grade 2 at school & home
avatar for Dr. Jenna Cramer

Dr. Jenna Cramer

Board of Directors
I am foremost a mom to a son who is gifted; he is my inspiration for joining this organization. As a former educator who has taught in a variety of school districts (urban, suburban, and rural), I am passionate about meeting all students' needs. My love for learning has earned me... Read More →
avatar for Mary Pape

Mary Pape

Mother and Special Educator advocating for all students. Began my career in education, supporting students with special needs and ended up the mom of two gifted kids who I have advocated for in parochial, private independent and now public school settings. A lifelong learner, I am... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
Tundra A

11:35am CDT

Visit Exhibitors
Monday October 7, 2024 11:35am - 12:00pm CDT
Monday October 7, 2024 11:35am - 12:00pm CDT
Sandstone Ballroom

12:00pm CDT

Monday October 7, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm CDT
Monday October 7, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm CDT
Sandstone Ballroom

12:30pm CDT

Keynote-Moving From Problem to Possibility: Advancing Strides in Gifted Education
Monday October 7, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm CDT
avatar for April Wells

April Wells

Gifted Coordinator, Illinois School District U-46
April Wells is the Gifted Coordinator in Illinois School District U-46, where she facilitated the redesign of the District’s gifted program in 2012-2013. April serves on the Board of Directors for the Illinois Association for Gifted Children.
Monday October 7, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm CDT
Sandstone Ballroom

2:00pm CDT

Expopalooza-Alverno College
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
avatar for Brad Tenin

Brad Tenin

Associate Executive Director- Online, Alverno College- Doctor of Education (Ed.D) degree
Brad Tenin proudly serves Alverno College as the Associate Executive Director with our online Education department. Brad is originally from Rockford, IL and moved to Milwaukee in 2008 and has been working with Alverno since 2022. Brad has over 20+ years of work and volunteer experience... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Sandstone 9

2:00pm CDT

Expopalooza-Art of Problem Solving-Beast Academy
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
avatar for Grayson Maas, PhD

Grayson Maas, PhD

Vice President of Sales, Art of Problem Solving / Beast Academy
Art of Problem Solving develops educational resources for motivated students in grades 1-12, including textbooks, two nationally accredited online schools, a network of in-person learning centers, and a wide variety of engaging online applications. We build the tools we wish we had... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Sandstone 3

2:00pm CDT

Expopalooza-Badger Precollege
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT

Carrie Backman

Program Director of Summer Music Clinic, UW-Madison
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Glacier CD

2:00pm CDT

Expopalooza-Club SciKidz Greater Milwaukee
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT

Tanzania Sewell

Club SciKidz Greater Milwaukee
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Tundra CD

2:00pm CDT

Expopalooza-Destination Imagination
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
avatar for Jill North

Jill North

Growth Director, Destination Imagination
Jill North’s position with Destination Imagination  is to coordinate and facilitate the activities of and relating to the outreach and growth of the Wisconsin DI Challenge Program and strategic partnerships. Jill has been involved in DI for over 20 years serving as a team manager... Read More →
avatar for Mary Bykowski

Mary Bykowski

Affiliate Director, Destination Imagination
So many schools and youth groups are looking for after-school programming that engages the creativity and imagination of their students. Destination Imagination does just that! Destination Imagination or "DI" empowers kids to use their talent and interests in solving one of 6 competitive... Read More →

Anne Couling

Destination Imagination
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Sandstone 8

2:00pm CDT

Expopalooza-Northwestern Center for Talent Development
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
avatar for Tammie Stewart

Tammie Stewart

Outreach Manager for CTD/Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, Center for Talent Development Northwestern University
I would be happy to speak with anyone about ways to share JKC scholarship information. It is specific to those 7th graders with high academics, from mid/low income families so often these families are not made aware of such opportunities. I'm always looking for ways to help them get... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Tundra A

2:00pm CDT

Expopalooza-University of Wisconsin Stevens Point School of Education
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Tundra EF

2:00pm CDT

Expopalooza-WATG Grant
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Glacier AB

2:00pm CDT

GT 101 for Preservice Teachers Part 2 of 2
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Please note this is PART TWO of this session.

This session includes: WI GT laws, 5 areas of giftedness, strengths and challenges of gifted children, intensities, Du Four's BIG question, advocacy and programming options.
avatar for Cathy Schmit

Cathy Schmit

Past president, WATG
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Sandstone Ballroom

3:00pm CDT

Monday October 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm CDT
Monday October 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:15pm CDT
Ballroom Hallway

3:15pm CDT

Reducing Invisibility in Gifted Education to Foster Engagement
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
avatar for April Wells

April Wells

Gifted Coordinator, Illinois School District U-46
April Wells is the Gifted Coordinator in Illinois School District U-46, where she facilitated the redesign of the District’s gifted program in 2012-2013. April serves on the Board of Directors for the Illinois Association for Gifted Children.
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Sandstone 3

3:15pm CDT

Building Communities of Practice Across Classrooms, Schools, and Even Countries
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Your goal is to help your students become the transformational leaders and thinkers our world needs, right? Then breaking down the walls of our classrooms and inviting students into communities where they can learn more about how thinkers with similar talents have shaped our reality can be a great way to start them along their talent development pathway. Lave and Wenger talk about the common languages, products, problems and processes that professional groups develop through building a community of discourse and practice. By leveraging this theory to create affinity groups that include students in other classrooms, schools, districts, states, and even countries, students learn more about themselves and begin to envision themselves as change makers.
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Tundra A

3:15pm CDT

Transformations in Creativity to (Re)Imagine, Innovate, and Inspire
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Educators must be thoughtful about how to support creative students, especially since the field of creativity can be broad-ranging and sometimes unwieldy. And yet, using creativity to help meet the needs of all students - especially those gifted students who are identified in the creative domain - is not only an admirable idea but a critical one. Doing so supports best practices, and more importantly, the students in your classroom or school. Sternberg (2006) talks about the need to “...improve instruction by teaching for creativity as well as teaching students to think creatively” (p. 87). If we are to Imagine, Innovate, and Inspire, let’s use Sternberg’s wise counsel as our guide.

This session will explore a variety of definitions of creativity (i.e., Torrance, May, Sternberg, and more) as well as various programming ideas (i.e., SCAMPER, QFT, CPS, and more). Please note that this session is a condensed version of DPI’s 2023-24 Transforming G/T Teaching and Learning meetings that focused on the theme of creativity.

avatar for Mark Schwingle

Mark Schwingle

Education Consultant, Wis Dept of Public Instruction
Mark Schwingle works at the Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction as the education consultant for gifted and talented education. He is currently working with partners across the state to mitigate issues of disproportionality in the identification of and programming for high-ability/high-potential... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Tundra CD

3:15pm CDT

Imagine, Innovate & Inspire with Dash the Robot
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Introduce Dash the Robot. Demonstrate using the Wonder Workshop program and available apps. Have participants actively engage in coding with Dash. Discuss how Dash was implemented in our district.

Kelly Bluell

K-12 GT Coordinator, WRPS
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Sandstone 9

3:15pm CDT

No Limits: Inspiring GT Learners in the Virtual World--Exhibitor
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
  • Imagine a world where college and career-ready options are the norm for high school – options and connections to start work, start college, and pursue passions.
  • Imagine a success coach ready to help motivate you and attain your goals.
  • Imagine learning anytime, anywhere…

    THIS is what a virtual learning experience can give your students! Learn about our flexible schedules, customized learning plans, and options for students on any learning journey, including differentiation with special education. Make your exceptionality your superpower!

    We will share our stories of innovation in pursuing specific subjects, general intellect, the arts, applying creativity with critical thinking, and inspiring tomorrow’s leaders as they learn online.
avatar for Jennifer Owen

Jennifer Owen

Program Leader, Between the Lakes Virtual Academy
We are a 4K - 12 virtual school with over 20 years of experience.  We offer synchronous and asynchronous options for 4K - 8 and an asynchronous opportunity for high school students.  We provide remediation through enrichment/advancement and work with students who have diverse needs... Read More →
avatar for Sarah Scovell Muraski

Sarah Scovell Muraski

Administrator, Between the Lakes Virtual Academy
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Tundra B

3:15pm CDT

Imagining a State that Champions Gifted and Talented Students
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
What do YOU imagine it would look like to have classrooms, schools, districts, and a state that all champion gifted and talented students? Join members of WATG's Government Action Committee to share your own stories about what's happening on the ground, learn about WATG's past and future advocacy actions, create your own personal advocacy statements in a supportive environment, and take away a "toolbox" of strategies to advocate for gifted children at the local and state level!
avatar for Dr. Pamela Clinkenbeard

Dr. Pamela Clinkenbeard

Professor Emeritus, UW-Whitewater
Pamela Clinkenbeard is Professor Emeritus of Educational Foundations at UW-Whitewater and a board member and former president of WATG. She also currently chairs WATG's Government Action Committee. She co-developed Wisconsin's first gifted education licensure program and served as... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Sandstone 8

3:15pm CDT

When School Isn't Enough- How To keep Kids Engaged After School, On Weekends & All Summer Long
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
A discussion about the opportunities we create, find, or dream about for our gifted kids outside of school hours.
avatar for Mary Pape

Mary Pape

Mother and Special Educator advocating for all students. Began my career in education, supporting students with special needs and ended up the mom of two gifted kids who I have advocated for in parochial, private independent and now public school settings. A lifelong learner, I am... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Jenna Cramer

Dr. Jenna Cramer

Board of Directors
I am foremost a mom to a son who is gifted; he is my inspiration for joining this organization. As a former educator who has taught in a variety of school districts (urban, suburban, and rural), I am passionate about meeting all students' needs. My love for learning has earned me... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Tundra EF

4:15pm CDT

Cocktail Hour
Monday October 7, 2024 4:15pm - 5:15pm CDT
Monday October 7, 2024 4:15pm - 5:15pm CDT
Sandstone Ballroom

4:15pm CDT

Visit Exhibitors
Monday October 7, 2024 4:15pm - 5:30pm CDT
Monday October 7, 2024 4:15pm - 5:30pm CDT
Sandstone Ballroom
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