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Social Emotional/Parent Focus clear filter
Monday, October 7

8:15am CDT

Inspiring Parents: Imagining and Innovating Together
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
One of my many hats in my job as an “Advanced Learning Specialist” (i.e. gifted and talented resource teacher) is to educate and support TAG parents. A lot of that role is to help parents and students navigate the peculiarities of our specific school district, but part of that role is more universal. This session will be aimed at some generalities of parenting gifted students while also having time to talk about your specific student. -Darby Puglielli

Participants will be guided by two SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted) facilitators. My co-presenter, Jackie Drummer, is a nationally certified SENG trainer and facilitator with decades experience working with parents/caregivers, students, and educators nationally and internationally.
avatar for Darby Puglielli

Darby Puglielli

Advanced Learning Specialist, Madison Metropolitan School District
Darby is an Advanced Learning Specialist (gifted resource teacher) at two elementary schools in the Madison Metropolitan School District. In addition to her written job description, Darby advocates for her students and their families, promotes productive struggle, and facilitates... Read More →
avatar for Jackie Drummer

Jackie Drummer

Founder & CEO, Education Works!
Jackie Drummer is a Past President and current advisor to the Board of Directors of WATG. She is a nationally certified SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted) trainer and facilitator, and a certified Literacy, Team/Organizational, Systems, and Transformational coach. As the... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am CDT
Tundra A

9:25am CDT

Identifying and Nurturing the Twice Exceptional Child
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Twice exceptional students - 2E kids - are intellectually gifted children who have one or more learning disabilities. Twice exceptional students need to be identified for both their gifts and for their disabilities, which can be challenging. Developing a unique blend of academics and supports for each child is critical, because s/he thinks and processes information differently than the general student population. This presentation will provide an overview of the topic of twice exceptional and will supply strategies that teachers can use to help their twice exceptional children to thrive.
avatar for Janet Key

Janet Key

Elementary School Teacher, Milwaukee Public Schools
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Tundra EF

9:25am CDT

Perfectionism is Not a Dirty Word
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
The Gifted population has long been synonymous with the term perfectionism, but what does that word really mean? Perfectionism has long been described as problematic, but what if it's not? This presentation will dive into the myths and misunderstandings surrounding perfectionism as well as how to identify it in individuals who may not present in the "typical" way. Let's get down to the root of the meaning behind the word so we don't have to fear it.
avatar for Jenny Nilsen

Jenny Nilsen

Clinical Director and Counselor, The Center for Identity Potential
Through her warmth and kindness as well as her extraordinary powers of observation, Jenny seeks to create healthy and productive working relationships with her clients. She is highly skilled at the evaluation process, which allows her to diligently assess the needs and desires of... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 9:25am - 10:25am CDT
Tundra A

10:35am CDT

Imagining Empowering College Searches: Mindset and Strategies for Gifted Students
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
College-bound gifted students have incredible potential to flourish in collegiate environments. In contrast to many K-12 school environments, college often provides students with more freedom of choice, more variety of learning opportunities, and supportive communities that appreciate unique talents. But choosing a college that is uniquely suited to a gifted learner, and getting in, is an important process that can be daunting for even the best prepared students and families.

In this session, participants will learn:
The current trends in US college admissions and how admission practices may help (or hurt) unique learners.
The top 5 tips for highlighting the gifted student’s unique talents and experiences through the college application process.
How colleges consider advanced-level coursework (e.g. honors, AP, dual-enrollment, etc).
How (and when) a successful college search begins.
avatar for Julie Murphy

Julie Murphy

Owner, Independent Educational Consultant, Waverly Educational Consulting
Julie Murphy is the founder and principal college consultant at Waverly Educational Consulting, located in Bayside, WI, where she and her team provide highly personalized support and guidance for high schoolers and their families as they navigate the college search and admissions... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
Tundra EF

10:35am CDT

Let's Stop Pretending Giftedness Starts in Grade 3
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
How to support gifted students in PreK-Grade 2 at school & home
avatar for Dr. Jenna Cramer

Dr. Jenna Cramer

Board of Directors
I am foremost a mom to a son who is gifted; he is my inspiration for joining this organization. As a former educator who has taught in a variety of school districts (urban, suburban, and rural), I am passionate about meeting all students' needs. My love for learning has earned me... Read More →
avatar for Mary Pape

Mary Pape

Mother and Special Educator advocating for all students. Began my career in education, supporting students with special needs and ended up the mom of two gifted kids who I have advocated for in parochial, private independent and now public school settings. A lifelong learner, I am... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 10:35am - 11:35am CDT
Tundra A

3:15pm CDT

When School Isn't Enough- How To keep Kids Engaged After School, On Weekends & All Summer Long
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
A discussion about the opportunities we create, find, or dream about for our gifted kids outside of school hours.
avatar for Mary Pape

Mary Pape

Mother and Special Educator advocating for all students. Began my career in education, supporting students with special needs and ended up the mom of two gifted kids who I have advocated for in parochial, private independent and now public school settings. A lifelong learner, I am... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Jenna Cramer

Dr. Jenna Cramer

Board of Directors
I am foremost a mom to a son who is gifted; he is my inspiration for joining this organization. As a former educator who has taught in a variety of school districts (urban, suburban, and rural), I am passionate about meeting all students' needs. My love for learning has earned me... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Tundra EF
Tuesday, October 8

10:15am CDT

Navigating the High Cs of Giftedness: Cognition, Compassion, Confidence, Curiosity, and Creativity
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
In this session, participants (parents/caregivers and educators) will explore five facets of working with gifted children. We will delve into cognition, creativity, curiosity, compassion, and confidence as pillars of the gifted child's experience. In this workshop, we will imagine, innovate, and inspire adults to discover and nurture these unique and promising characteristics of gifted children. The workshop will provide lots of resources, ideas, and thought-provoking discussion and activities.
avatar for Jackie Drummer

Jackie Drummer

Founder & CEO, Education Works!
Jackie Drummer is a Past President and current advisor to the Board of Directors of WATG. She is a nationally certified SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted) trainer and facilitator, and a certified Literacy, Team/Organizational, Systems, and Transformational coach. As the... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Sandstone 8

10:15am CDT

Pobody's Nerfect
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
One child panics when a single mistake is made. Another child breaks down when asked to work in groups. A third child has low self-esteem and refuses to turn in work. What do they all have in common? They are all perfectionists. While many professionals who work with children are able to recognize perfectionism when they see it, they may be unsure how to help a child overcome this barrier. This presentation will give specific strategies to use in the classroom or counseling setting to work both individually and in groups with students to overcome perfectionism.
avatar for Emily Kircher Morris

Emily Kircher Morris

Licensed Professional Counselor, The Neurodiversity Podcast
Emily Kircher-Morris, LPC, is the host of The Neurodiversity Podcast. Emily is a mental health counselor and taught in several gifted education programs. She is the author of several books for parents and educators related to the development of children and teens who are neurodivergent... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Sandstone 3

1:00pm CDT

Nurturing Your Child’s Passions and Lifting the Burden of Being Gifted
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
This session aims to present a unique approach to engaging parents as part of a rich discussion about how to nurture and develop students’ passions and talents. Research shows that parents of gifted children seem to fully recognize the uniqueness of their children, but only a few understand their child’s ability profile and emotional peculiarities.Therefore, they may struggle to manage their child’s socioemotional needs, passions and special interests. Parents often struggle when they realize their child is gifted. Trying to provide a framework, regarding the profiles of gifted children, of the challenges faced by their parents, is a complex issue. Not only because of myths and misconceptions about giftedness, but also because of parents' high expectations.

Recent studies have questioned the traditional conception that considers giftedness as an immutable trait of the person, linked merely to the individual’s cognitive abilities. Indeed, innate abilities play a role in the emergence of giftedness, however other key factors relating to psychological and social dimensions appear to be central to the development and expression of individual potential. This evidence allows us to reinterpret giftedness from a developmental perspective, which considers the complex interdependence of different variables at the individual, familial, educational, and societal levels. Gifted children are first and foremost children and therefore, it is crucial to create the environmental conditions that can best support the gifted child’s harmonious development of cognitive and socio-emotional competencies in schools and at home.
avatar for Dr. German Alonso Diaz Cardenas

Dr. German Alonso Diaz Cardenas

Teacher, Milwaukee Public Schools
My name is German Diaz. Currently, I work as a Javits Teacher-coach in the Milwaukee Public School District (MPS). I am a native of Colombia who is passionate about education, social justice, and multiculturalism. I have been working with the district for about fourteen years. My... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Martha Aracely Lopez

Dr. Martha Aracely Lopez

Javits Grant Teacher Coach, Milwaukee Public Schools
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
Sandstone 8

2:15pm CDT

Behind the Scenes: A Therapist's Insight into Practices that Work to Support the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
This breakout session will be around what gifted students have shared can be challenging in their academic settings regarding their social and emotional needs. The session will include background/ psychoeducation around some of the mental health, social and emotional concerns that can arise for a gifted student in the classroom and the playground.
avatar for Caitlyn Schmit

Caitlyn Schmit

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, NeuWoven Therapy
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:15pm - 3:15pm CDT
Sandstone 3
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