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Jenny Nilsen

The Center for Identity Potential
Clinical Director and Counselor
Illinois and Michigan
Through her warmth and kindness as well as her extraordinary powers of observation, Jenny seeks to create healthy and productive working relationships with her clients. She is highly skilled at the evaluation process, which allows her to diligently assess the needs and desires of people of all ages, including young children. Her approach is proactive, exploratory and creative which promotes growth and identity development within an individual as well as the family. Jenny seeks to help her clients live a life that is a good fit for them.
As a listener, Jenny has an uncanny ability to integrate what she hears and notices things that others often do not. Jenny activates self-awareness in others through her mastery of combining honesty and a sensitivity to other’s vulnerabilities. She has personal experience with physical disability and has spent many years conducting workshops and facilitating group discussions pertaining to the challenges of creating identities beyond disability or exceptionality.

My Speakers Sessions

Monday, October 7

9:25am CDT

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