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Julie Murphy

Waverly Educational Consulting
Owner, Independent Educational Consultant
Milwaukee, WI

Julie Murphy is the founder and principal college consultant at Waverly Educational Consulting, located in Bayside, WI, where she and her team provide highly personalized support and guidance for high schoolers and their families as they navigate the college search and admissions process. Julie's previous career included 20 years of experience inside higher education, including in areas of pre-college programs, dual enrollment for advanced learners and homeschooled students, admissions, scholarships, enrollment management. She understands - and loves - the joys and challenges inherent in the transition to college, and is most fulfilled when helping teenagers to believe in themselves and to reach their potential.

Julie earned a M.A. in Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, and a B.A. in Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is a professional member of IECA. Julie lives in Bayside, WI, and enjoys outdoor sports in all seasons, listening to science and business podcasts, and making the most of her time spent as minivan chauffeur for her three daughters. This is Julie's first WATG conference and she is excited to meet fellow educators and parents!

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